Friday, January 18, 2013

Molly and Marijuana

At 9pm tonight I took Molly out for her nighttime tinkle. I was FREEZING and EVERY TIME she was almost ready to go potty, she would be distracted by the neighborhood kids running through the street (because six year olds apparently do not need bedtimes). In the midst of her six-billionth attempt at pottying, a gaggle of teenage boys cross through my lawn, since my lawn is designated as the best short-cut path to storage shed row #4 (there are four rows, I am #3). Molly is a people person. Molly RUNS towards the boys and immediately makes friends with them. They stop and wait for me to come and (ironically) fetch her.

Within two seconds of being in their perimeter, I can tell why Molly is sniffing them like they're the last sent on earth... the guys were stoned. And reeking of it. They, of course, thought Molly was the funniest dog ever and asked if they could keep her. I personally think Molly is too young to be smoking pot at 9pm on a Friday night, so I politely declined and took Molly back to our patch of grass.

Let me explain that we have the biggest "back yard" out of all the other storage sheds. This is because our particular house is on the edge of the woods, which is lined by a knee-high wooden fence to keep the kids (who don't have good enough parents to keep them out of the woods) from falling three feet down.

It's do or die. Poop or freeze to death. I am praying for no more distractions so the Diva can do her business and we can return to our heated comfort. Just as she is about to... she hears a noise.

There is a mass of black hair CRAWLING over the fence. I scream like a little girl, Molly hides between my legs. To give you a mental image of how my mind is processing this, I mentally see this...

When in reality, it is one of the little Mexican girls from across the street cutting across the woods from playing all afternoon at storage shed row #1..
That's right, I am just in a bad Dora the Explorer episode.

Little Dora finishes crawling over, laughs at me, pats Molly on the head and SKIPS across the street to her house.

I am officially scarred for life. The only good news is that creepy Dora scared the pee right out of Molly...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Rants of a Renter

Let me prologue the following thoughts with this:
I LOVE my new house. I love my roommates. I love my little laundry room with a functioning washer and dryer. I love my very own personal bathroom. I LOVE living two seconds away from civilization and not 20 minutes and a dirt road away from a gas station. I love it. However...

Dear fellow storage-shed renters,

I know our house is closest to the large Waste Management dumpster, but in case you weren't taught what a boundary line looks like, the dumpster designated space is outlined in CEMENT! Which means the grass on the other side of it, is MY BACK YARD. When it is 5am, dark outside, and I'm having to take Diva Dog Molly out for her morning tinkle, the last thing I want to find is YOUR trash on MY GRASS. I actually don't care about all the snack foods and alcoholic beverages you consume, therefore I do not need to see the wrappers of such items scattered across every blade of Unit 114 backyard grass. Also, I do not think it's cute when I send my dog to fetch her hot pink ball and she brings back a used diaper from your wailing offspring that should have been potty trained a year ago.

Do you know what time it is? I don't think so, because at 9pm, your half-clothed 5 year old should not be out riding his bike in the dark, or cursing loudly at the other toddlers in the neighborhood. His best friend should also not be the old man who sits across the street, shirtless and drinking his hourly beer. Why do you let him talk to said old man? Certainly that can't be safe.

And lastly... We were all handed the same tenant agreement. I am sure our landlord did not hate us extra special and write down rules specifically for us. So I am sure you received the same notice that we are not supposed to be parking in the street. If three young, driving-challenged girls can manage to fit their cars on their carport, so can you. I'm sure you don't wake up until 11am, but I leave my house at 6:45am and I would like to leave our little storage shed complex without having to zig-zag through your company's additional vehicles. Every. Single. Morning.

And DON'T get me started on the maintenance man...

*sigh* that is all.

Diva Dog Owner, Unit 114

Sunday, January 13, 2013

2012 in Review

2012 was probably the biggest year of my life.
Looking back at it, I can't believe that I...

-Finished my first year of college.

-Had my 19th birthday.

-Fell in love.

-Lost 30 pounds.

 Spent three months in Romania working as a teacher at a school for children with special needs and volunteering at an orphanage. I couldn't imagine my life without having such an amazing experience or meeting so many incredible people!

Came home and started my new job
as a Paraprofessional at the Charter School.

 Got my heartbroken.

Got a dog!!

My little diva, Molly :)


 Moved out of my first house and in with two roommates to an apartment that I refer to as the "storage shed".
Catelyn, Taylor, and my diva dog, Molly are all living happily ever after :)

In 2013 I will:
-Finish my AA degree.
-Have my 20th birthday.
-Take a road trip.
-Make new friends.
-Begin training as an ABA Therapist.
-Start my Bachelors Degree
-Begin filling out paperwork for Peace Corps.
-Take less things for granted.
-Guard my heart.
-Laugh without holding back.
-Pray without ceasing.
-Live a life worth writing about :)